A BETTER approach to horticulture exports to Asia is the ultimate goal of an online grower survey currently underway.
Funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA), CQUniversity researchers are undertaking the survey in association with Growcom, Tropical Pines and Passionfruit Australia.
Project leader, Dr Delwar Akbar said his team aims to identify the need and potential for a collaborative approach to better market Queensland’s horticulture products.
To thank respondents, the research team will provide a $100 gift voucher to one in every five participants chosen randomly.
“It is expected that the findings from this research will provide the horticulture industry with information about the trade-offs that producers perceive between higher product value and improved supply chain management; for example, coordination and collaboration,” Dr Akbar said.
“The results from this research may benefit the industry through recommendations about how improved supply chain management could be achieved through an enabling environment; for example, price setting, agreement length and additional support.”
This research is expected to be completed in March 2020 and findings will be published only as a summary report, to ensure no individual participants can be identified.
- Producers can find the online survey HERE.
The story Growers invited to hort export survey first appeared on Good Fruit & Vegetables.