A number of Kouga households will be approached over the next two months to participate in the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS).
Nopinky Ndunyana, a field worker for Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), will be visiting homes in the Kouga region to collect information from local residents about how and why they travel.
Kouga Speaker Hattingh Bornman said Stats SA was conducting the survey on behalf of the national Department of Transport.
“The aim is to understand the transport needs and behaviour of citizens, so that South Africa’s current policies and programmes can be updated to address any challenges there may be,” he said.
He said the survey would look at people’s travel patterns, education and work-related travel, business trips, general household information and people’s attitudes towards and perception of transport, including cost and ease of access.
Any information provided, is confidential and protected under the Statistics Act of 1999.
According to Stats SA, field workers will be collecting information from 65 000 homes across the country.
“This is the third survey of its kind,” Bornman said. “The results are expected to be released in October 2020 during Transport Month.”
He said field workers would be using a digital device, loaded with the questionnaire, to capture the information.
“Stats SA has further assured us that they have taken every precaution to make their field workers easy to identify.
“They will be wearing Stats SA branded clothing and will carry an identicard with their photograph, name and ID number.”
Should further verification be required, Ndunyana’s supervisor, Obed Shigadhla, can be contacted at 082 888 2253 or [email protected].
For more information on the survey, visit http://nhts.statssa.gov.za/.