GUNTUR: A ten-day workshop titled “Research methodology workshop for research scholars in social science” organised by the department of Human Resources Management (HRM) of Acharya Nagarjuna University in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) concluded on Sunday.The target audience of the workshop was master degree and PhD holders in social sciences. Students as well as faculty from universities across the country participated in the event.
A rapidly growing private business oriented sector has created a demand for social science research in business management, commerce, marketing, media and other fields. The need of the hour is to develop a sound methodological base of research among education experts and researchers, said program director Dr Narayana Battu, adding, most of the researchers in India are ill-equipped to handle latest research techniques.
The programme covered the basics of research methodology focusing on theoretical and practical inputs. Training was given to the participants to solve several problems posed by the organising committee including theory development and choosing methods, material, scientific tools, techniques relevant to the questions. A combination of lectures, case studies and hands on training was used to conduct three sessions per day, with practicals at the end of the sessions followed by a feedback initiative.
The programme director said that research scholars who participated in the workshop developed conceptual clarity and gained practical knowledge to undertake quality research and write good research papers and project proposals. “Methodological aspects of scale development such as simple and multi linear regression, factor analysis with application of statistical package for social science and R programming were also discussed.”